Brand Slogan
Youth Empowerment
B2C, Non-Profit
SYC is the youth wing of SINDA
(Singapore Indian Development Association).
They have created an almost perfect leadership regeneration strategy with their programmes. They join the programmes as youths and rise through the ranks to form the existing core leadership.
However, they decided to do a stock-take as they want to know who they truly are deep within.
And they knew who could do a proper brand audit that would actually work.
Through a series of focus groups, we managed to help them discover their strengths and weaknesses, ultimately, to imagine a better future for the entire organisation.They also re-aligned their corporate strategy in terms of vision, mission, brand pillars and core values.
The redesigned SYC brand recognises their heritage and roots while capturing their hopes and dreams. Finally, the revitalised brand is expressed visually and verbally across a range of media, including online and offline platforms.