Metis Energy
Brand Slogan
Together for a Brighter Future™
B2B, Energy
Metis Energy is a story of transformation in the light of new realities.
Metis Energy started life as Manhattan Resources Limited, a publicly-listed company on the SGX, heavily vested in the fossil fuels industry. However, faced with the mounting environmental doomsday scenario, they realised they want to be part of the solution. They committed to transform themselves. They bought out a renewables startup, Athena Energy, and decided to change their brand name for good. We went through an intensive exercise of brand naming and ended up with Metis Energy which related back to Athena as the mother of Athena in the Greek pantheon of gods. We then rolled out the rebranding in full force, transforming all brand touchpoints from digital to physical. The business transformation is real from the management's will to the perception on the ground. This is how branding transforms businesses.