Engaging & Effective Workshops to Transform Brand Culture
We designs, customises and conducts Fishtank™ Branding Workshops for organisations.
We are brand practitioners who are able to put theory into practice and teach the why's and how-tos to participants.
Our trainers are experienced ACTA-certified and have trained at institutions at National University of Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic and Singapore University of Social Sciences.
Learning objectives are established in advance with consultation with the relevant human resource department or senior management.
Plausible learning objectives can be Brandstorming™ for a new business, creating internal brand awareness, re-evaluating service brand delivery, re-designing brand touchpoints with systems thinking or evaluating and re-imagining internal brand culture.
Each branding workshop is customised according to organisational goals and needs.
The workshops will be underpinned with our proprietary branding framework, Brandgrammar™. It deploys the proven and tested workshop tools in design thinking and business analysis with the central belief that each participant is a capable, thinking individual willing to express his or her ideas openly.