Discover What Makes Your Organisation Tick, Thrive & Grow

The Brand Audit is the first step towards a successful branding exercise.

Our Brand Audit consists of three major components: Primary Research, Secondary Research and Creative Audit.

In the Brand Audit, Firefish combines the best-of-breed research tools from design thinking, business analysis and data analytics to create a robust framework in understanding your organisation from the inside-out and outside-in. We adopt an iterative approach to avoid theoretical saturation. This is a point where all data collected is similar and point to the same conclusions without any new insights. To avoid this, we attempt to reiterate, revise and revisit, creating a virtuous feedback loop.

Primary Research

In Primary Research, primary data are gathered through interviews, focus groups, qualitative and quantitative surveys as well as ethnographic studies and environmental scanning. During the internal focus groups, we also explore together the hopes and challenges of each internal stakeholder group in order to capture the living organisational brand. Ultimately, we believe that internal brand culture determines how the brand is being externalised.

Secondary Research

In Secondary Research, we deploy business analysis tools such as Competitive Analysis, Business Model Canvas and Customer Journey Mapping to understand the micro and macro environs the organisation or business operates within. We look at best practices, challenges, potential pitfalls, and most importantly, business opportunities for the brand to thrive and grow to its fullest potential.

Creative Audit

At the Creative Audit, we discover how the brand is being portrayed on both digital and traditional platforms. On online platforms, we conduct website audits, social media audits as well as keyword search audits. On offline platforms, we explore both internal and external brand communications. Together, we have a good picture of how the brand is being communicated.

Comprehensive, Proven & Insightful

With a comprehensive Brand Audit, we hope to understand you, your business and your people very intimately so that we will be able to develop a Brand Strategy that dovetails perfectly into your existing organisational needs and wants. At this stage, we also provide recommendations on internal systems and processes, highlighting actions that are mission-critical to future business growth.