
Brand Slogan

Shop Big, Ship Bigger


B2B, Logistics

A logistics company seeks to establish a consumer brand. So they came to our doorstep and together, we embarked on a journey to conquer new horizons.

ShipForMe is the consumer spin-off from parent logistics company, KJT Logistics. ShipForMe helps businesses and consumers to consolidate their purchases in China in their own Guangzhou warehouse and then ships the items via freight to Singapore. In addition, they will provide the last-mile logistics to ensure the goods reach safely to the doorsteps of their customers.

There are always two
surfaces to a leaf.

So, we look from the top by understanding who the parent company is then at the bottom by understanding who their customers are and what they think.

We captured ShipForMe's main business proposition with the slogan, "Shop Big, Ship Bigger". With this new brand positioning, we applied the brand to digital and physical touchpoints, including uniforms, trucks, apps and websites.

We even took a look at how to integrate KJT within ShipForMe's branding with co-branding strategies. With a stronger brand positioning, ShipForMe, together with KJT, can move ahead to better glorious days.

Primary Research
Secondary Research