Carefully Designed
for Business

Brand Consulting

A specialized service focused on shaping and refining a business’s brand identity. Consultants provide strategic guidance in developing a cohesive brand strategy, designing visual elements, and crafting effective messaging. It aims to create a positive and memorable brand experience, fostering brand loyalty and differentiation in the competitive market landscape.

Brand Audit

The process of conducting a stock-take on the existing brand, to determine what the brand means in the eyes of key stakeholders. It calls for an honest introspection as well as a precise retrospective. It attempts to reach deep, far and wide, to expose inherent weaknesses but also unravel opportunities. Hence, at this juncture, it calls for an open heart and open mind to learn, understand and discover and only then, to consolidate, strategise and transform.

Brand Strategy

A strategic roadmap for the brand. It documents what the brand is all about; covering all aspects of the brand: brand positioning, brand attributes and brand personality. And it aligns seamlessly with the corporate strategy of vision, mission and core values. It is a plan for clear action; actions on how the brand can grow to become a powerful brand.

Brand Activation

A strategic marketing initiative that aims to ignite consumer engagement and generate brand recognition via an assorted array of promotional activities. Among the many activities involved in brand activation, one may encounter product demonstrations, experiential events, influencer campaigns, pop-up shops, and social media promotions. The result of a successful activation campaign includes heightened brand visibility, fortified brand loyalty, and subsequently amplified business growth.

Fractional Brand Management

Fractional Brand Management (FBM) is the process in which branding agencies manage their clients’ brands using Branding as a Service (BaaS), which is akin to Software as a Service (SaaS) in the software cloud services industry. Clients pay monthly subscription fees to branding agencies for them to manage their brand online and offline. The difference from retainers with web and creative agencies is that branding agencies view things from a strategic angle rather than a task-based angle. This requires constant review with the management on their strategic goals as well as their brand culture. This ensures that the brand communications are aligned to the service or product which is being promoted on channels and platforms. In essence, FBM is a cost-effective way to hire a brand manager, designer and consultant all rolled into a single subscription service.

Brand Naming

Creating a name for a brand, product or service. It is a critical aspect of branding, as a good brand name can help to build strong brand recognition. As such, a brand name should “stick” in your mind; easy to remember and easy to spell. The naming process involves research, brainstorming, and testing, and should be approached with careful consideration and strategic planning.

Branding Workshops

An interactive session that helps businesses achieve internal alignment. Branding workshops typically involve key stakeholders such as brand founders, employees and external consultants. Through group exercises and discussions, a branding workshop aims to establish clear internal understanding of the brand – from its unique positioning, to the long-term vision and the strategies to undertake in order to fulfil it.

Digital Branding

A brand management approach that combines internet branding and digital marketing across various online platforms to establish a brand’s digital presence. The focus is on fostering connections with consumers to enhance brand recognition, prioritizing awareness, image, and style over immediate sales. This strategic use of digital channels is crucial for building and sustaining a strong online brand presence in today’s interconnected world.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, or online marketing, involves the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers through the internet and various digital channels, including email, SEO, social media, web-based advertising, and multimedia messages. Its goal is to expand a brand’s reach beyond traditional methods, targeting likely prospects for product or service purchases. Moreover, digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising, allowing for daily success measurement and flexible strategy adjustments.

Employer Branding

A strategic approach that organizations use to attract and retain top talents for the long term. It plays a crucial role in how a company is perceived by its most important stakeholders, its employees. Essentially, the employer brand forms the foundation of the overall brand identity. In the context of an Employer Branding project, it typically involves three key phases: Brand Audit, Brand Strategy, and Brand Activation. Central to the concept of Employer Branding are principles such as authentic servant leadership, transparency, and effective communication. The ultimate goal of an effective Employer Branding strategy is to turn employees into enthusiastic advocates of the organization, who willingly endorse and promote it to others, leading to a continuous cycle of talent attraction, retention, and renewal.